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Review — 3598

Existing problems reported with 3598

  • I walked this route (most of it) today using OS Maps with GPS. At approx. GR 391892, 394425 the path turns down Warren Close, then enters ginnels before leaving the housing area at GR 391709, 394629. The path follows the edge of some garden fences, behind back gardens, and is poor quality, then reaches open ground where the way is not marked and the right of way is almost ‘disguised’. This gets worse - at about GR 391626, 394656 the right of way is barred by a fence and a padlocked gate. (Perhaps there has been a tactical move to make the right of way ‘unused’.). I had the GPS working on my phone at the time, and I am fairly confident that it was the right of way - which on paper looks fine - used by the start team that was blocked. The footpaths on the OS map to the north were also very indeterminate, and at one point I got through a gap that had been made in a chain link fence, to reach Windmill Lane and rejoin the route at the A57. I have reviewed Stoden 1 as a one star, given that the path is barred. Perhaps it should be culled? I have put in an alternative, which does use a bit more road, but the A57 on Stoden 1 is not pleasant, (the vehicles turning into the side roads one has to cross is the worst aspect), and the alternative does use straight lines, minor roads, and makes use of the park near the destination, and is a bit shorter. Unfortunately the route is definitely not wheels-useable, with apart from anything else a series of steps at approx. GR 390613, 393345. Reported 30 Apr 2021

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