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Review — 2024

Existing problems reported with 2024

  • Mr Graham has put up 2 reviews on this route on the same day. Reported 20 Jan 2024
  • Flooding and dangerous main road crossing Reported 16 Apr 2024
  • There are a lack of 'places' in this region, as a result this route is 35km and impractical. Not many people would want to end up on an island at the end of 35km, however they might do 21.3km along the King Charles III England Coast Path. There is a pub half way at Goldhanger to get some food and rest. From Tollesbury you could take a decent walk to West Mersea, or link up more practically with Layer de la Haye and then onwards to Colchester or Wivenhoe. I suggest we need the addition of Tollesbury and Layer de la Haye, which I've suggested in more detail with this post; Reported 05 Feb 2024
  • I'm looking at more of the slowways around Braintree. This route leaves Braintree at Galleys Corner towards Coggeshall on a road called Long Green, which further on becomes Ashes Road. This is a fast 50mph road with no pavement and no verges. It is too dangerous for walkers to use, plus it requires they try to cross the horrible dual lane exits from the Galleys Corner roundabout to even reach it. I'll mark out and upload an alternative route for Bracog. Kind regards, David Reported 16 Jan 2024
  • On the South side of Braintree this route crosses the A120, a fast dual carriageway. The crossing point is dangerous and locals avoid every using it because cars approach unsighted at 70mph+ round a curve in the road. There are alternative safe options in the area. Reported 02 Jan 2024
  • I updated my profile with my picture and when I saved it, I got an 500 error - no explanation as to what it means and no indication of how to resolve the problem. Can you help please? Neil Cameron Reported 02 Jan 2024
  • Hi I've just seen your email asking for applications for storytelling commissions. I have some questions I can't see the answers to. [I'm looking at the Colchester-Norwich waylist, so I'll talk about that] - Doing the entire 90mi walk in one go seems unlikely! Am I right that I can break it up in any way I want? eg. can I walk 1.5 routes on one trip, 0.5 route the next time, 2 the next, etc. Or for a given route do I have to have walked that in one day? [I think the answer is that it is very free form - as long as I have genuinely walked it, and the photos will confirm that, I can do it however makes sense] - the goal seems to be adding 3 reviews for all the routes in a waylist (so for each of the 9 routes in this waylist). Does it have to be the same 3 people for all of the routes? eg. could I walk Colchester-Manningtree with Alice and Bob, then Manningtree-Ipswich with Bob and Charlie, etc. Or does it have to have a “core” of 3 people that do all the routes? THanks, Anthony Reported 02 Feb 2024

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