Existing problems reported with 1988
- Hi Cristie, For some time DawTop1 has not worked - it returns an ERROR 500. The Rail Resilience Project has caused closure of sections to which I referred in an earlier review (long lost I suspect) and which also led Dan to create DawTop 2. Should it still exist my original review is no longer valid and neither is Dan's as the major part of his diversion is now no longer necessary. I had posted a July date when the final short stretch was to be opened but unexpected foundation problems have forced this to be delayed and the latest permission states the closure is valid "until 07 September 2022 or when completed whichever is the earlier" (my italics). (The sensitivities of local Parish Councillors have been offended!) I felt some update was called for and have submitted a DawTop3 to which I have added a review and survey to repeat/update data conveyed in my original review/survey. I leave you to decide what further tidying-up is required but it might be worth renaming DawTop3 to DawTop1 and removing the malfunctioning DawTop1 and Dan's alternative (DawTop 2) while retaining his review, photos and validation and Pilea's review and validation in the new DawTop1 (aka Dawtop3) if they are agreeable? All 3 are exactly the same track which is indubitably the most appropriate from 07 September 2022. There are some other issues. I have submitted it with the original DawTop .gpx although I am a little uncomfortable with it. At times it drifts up to 25m from the true track although this is not usually an issue - just means someone following the screen track zoomed in would be aware of apparently criss-crossing the mainline railway on occasions and paddling below the low-water tide line on others! However, it starts from inside Geronimo's coffee bar, ploughs straight through the station booking office walls and exits into the station car park dead-end on the wrong side of the tracks! I have allowed for this in the review. However, if required I can re-walk the route after 7 September (or when possible) and submit a new .gpx track. In the description and review I have also drawn attention to the irregularity of the ferry timetable and the complications of arriving to learn the next ferry is due at 1000 on the first Friday of next month given that a further walk of up to 3km is the only way out to civilisation! Seemed important. While in contact . . . . A couple of other observations. ChuDaw1 includes a seriously dangerous stretch of blind bends on a very busy road without footpaths, bordered by impregnable Devon banks and a reputation as one of the most dangerous roads in the County! I condemned the Way and note another contributor to ChuTei1, which uses the same stretch, has done likewise. It is lethal and frankly the thought that it remains a possible Slow Way worries me. It is inappropriate for anyone (I tried it and felt exceedingly irresponsible and inconsiderate [and a bl---- fool]). I shudder to think of a family, young children or someone with a dog attempting it. I've always thought the star system should allow for zero stars to be awarded as on a dark night even one star is a vote of confidence! My suggested alternative (ChuDaw2) is a really great, off-road alternative - and is actually slightly shorter - even the version I uploaded which in fairness could be shortened still further by using road stretches for the purity of "directness" BUT at the expense of some outstanding bridle ways and paths even by Devon standards. I expect all 4 Daw ways to be snailed this year. This target is closer than appears from just looking at current validations but ChuDaw is proving a bit more of an issue because of its length and climbs. However, we have a tradition of 19th century naval press-ganging in South Devon , , , , , , . . . I also plan to re-visit each of my descriptions and reviews following the full restoration of the seawall which I shall upload using the new edit feature. Thank you, Cristie, for your earlier correspondence and encouragement and I hope you can see your way to perhaps resolving the DawTop problem. Please pass my thanks to Dan also - I was delighted he walked and clearly enjoyed my TeiDaw2 alternative. With very best wishes Tony (Leigh) PS. What a way to start your Friday morning. If you park this email until Monday I shall not be offended :-) Reported 09 Jun 2022