Existing problems reported with 29
- This is a follow-up to your previous request #1086 "Problem with a Route: Bexda..." Hi Cristie Oddly BexDar 2 =10125, which was the twin of this, isn't displaying properly on my laptop or my phone. Text, photos, etc is there, but the big map and route line is an entirely white space. Maybe there was an upload problem after all. I've just double checked, the same thing is still happening. No route line and no base map. Legend and buttons on top right are there but have no effect. Have refreshed page several times. Bex Dar One and other routes display ok though. Come to think of it neither One nor Two show on the progress map although both have positive reviews. And, just checked, if you click on the route line of BexDar 2 from another page it takes you to 10126=BexDar 3! I've got copies of the two texts and photos so if it's easiest to just delete BexDar Two and start again on a fresh BexDar route I could do that. Daisy Reported 25 Nov 2022
- This is a follow-up to your previous request #1153 "Problem with a General: Site" <div class="zd-comment" dir="auto"><style type="text/css"> <!-- table td {border-collapse:collapse} body[dir=rtl] .directional_text_wrapper {direction:rtl; unicode-bidi:embed} --> </style><style type="text/css"> <!-- --> </style> <div dir="auto">Hello Cristie</div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div dir="auto">I am still having problems trying to upload photos, I managed to upload the three selfies but every time I try to upload feet on paths or beautiful paths I get the message "server rejected", see attached screen shot. </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div dir="auto">Is there any other way to send the photos or do you know what people did who were successful in uploading their photos? </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div dir="auto">Thanks </div> <div dir="auto">Lynne Strutt </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div id="composer_signature" dir="auto"> <div dir="auto" style="font-size:12px; color:#575757">Sent from Samsung Mobile on O2</div> </div> <div dir="auto"><br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div>-------- Original message --------</div> <div>From: Cristie Moore <[email protected]> </div> <div>Date: 10/03/2023 12:06 (GMT+00:00) </div> <div>To: Lynne Strutt <[email protected]> </div> <div>Subject: [Slow Ways] Re: Problem with a General: Site </div> <div><br> </div></div> Reported 19 Mar 2023