Accessibility Photo Survey

For Weywar 1116 by pmostert

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    1. For this survey of Weywar, I walked from Weymouth to Wool and on another day from Wool to Wareham. The ridge way leading to Winfrith is well signposted and magnificent. 15 km from start — 14 Nov 2021

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    2. There are a few obstacles, especially when the path is no more than a direction through or along grass lands. This wet crossing is surmountable, thanks to three rocks and a gate tied to the tree. 20 km from start — 14 Nov 2021

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    3. When leaving the woods after the Worgret Heath Farm, look for the tower and keep it at your right hand 34 km from start — 14 Nov 2021

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    4. Continue and look for the colored marker of the gas pipe at your left hand. Turn left / east there and look for the entrance to the Wareham Common. Stay on the high bank, and follow the power line till the tunnel under the railway. 34 km from start — 14 Nov 2021

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