1. For this survey of TivCul2 I walked from Tiverton to Cullompton. This is on the way from town to the canal km from start —
2. Rules for the canal section km from start —
3. There are many benches along the canal section, but once you leave it, none until Cullompton km from start —
4. km from start —
5. Leaving the canal section. Gate is locked, but walk through the gap km from start —
6. km from start —
7. km from start —
8. km from start —
9. Because of the netting in this field we couldn't follow the path straight across, but following the tractor route was easy km from start —
10. km from start —
11. km from start —
12. km from start —
13. km from start —
14. km from start —
15. km from start —
16. km from start —
17. km from start —
18. In Cullompton km from start —